
How to beat the boredom during this pandemic and stay healthy through utilisation of local tourism and adventures.

Fig 1.0 Go on an adventure There's a well established interrelationship between travel & adventure and health. The  pandemic has made tourism almost imposible taking into account the risks involved. It has brought business to a standstill due to it's deadly and ravaging tendencies. People are working from home now more than ever so as to reduce the spreading of this invisible enemy. Being confined and isolated at home is boring and health threatening so it's time to appreciate your local sorroundings i.e go hunting, rock climbing, traverse the thickets create memories and mingle with nature. The Zimbabwe landscape is one of the best in Africa if not the world as it is endowed with everything be it wetlands, thickets, mountains, wild animals, wild fruits and grasslands. One can simply walk a few kilometers from their locality and discover a lot of interesting things our great country has to offer.  Fig 1.1 Enjoying a cool breeze on the rocks. The benefits of going out du

Tired of bad breath? [kunhuwa muromo]

Having an uncontrollable bad breath can be a mental jail. It makes your world uncomfortable and unworthy to live. But here are some remedies that you can try at home. Fig 1.0 Bad breath Illustration Brush and floss more often . Plaque, the sticky buildup on your teeth, collects bacteria that cause bad breath. Trapped food also adds to the problem.Brush your teeth at least two times each day, and floss at least once. If you're concerned about your breath, do both a little more often. Don't overdo things, though. If you brush too hard you can wear down your teeth, making them vulnerable to decay. Rinse your mouth out . Besides freshening your breath, a mouthwash adds extra protection by getting rid of bacteria. A fresh minty taste can make you feel good. But be sure the mouthwash you choose kills the germs that cause bad breath. Don't just cover up the smell. Rinse daily with a good mouthwash and stop bad breath at its source.You can also help your breath if you swish your mo

How to get rid of acne and eczema naturally?

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells. Genetics,diet ,stress and hormone changes cause acne . Symptoms may include pimples , skin redness and comedo and these usually disturbs our natural lovel skin appearance on the face or any other part of the body hence the need to get rid of it effectively and safely as to avoid further skin damage. Below are some simple natural ways of riding acne. Fig 1.0 Acne affected skin Apply apple cider vinegar   It is made by fermenting apple cider or the unfiltered juice from pressed apples. Like any other vinegar , it's known to fight fungi and bacteria. It  also suppresses inflammation and improves acne scars. Apply it to your skin in small doses to avoid burns as it contains radical acids like citric acid and lactic acid. Cut back on dairy! You might want to go as long as cutting  back on your dairy intake as milk and acne have a relationship though controversial. Studies have found a positive as

Natural remedies for increasing hair growth and reducing hair loss.

Fig 1.0 Natural and healthy hair. Hair care and hair maintenance are key topics in the beauty and cosmetology industry. One might not be able to alter their physical appearance thus be it being ugly, beautiful or handsome but when it comes to their hair ,they do anything for their head to look super good. Such was the urge to the advent of wigs & weeves and other industrially made chemicals to enhance hair growth and avoid hair loss. Despite the abundance of artificial everything in the morden world ,we still got good and quality natural ways of promoting hair growth and nourishment thanks to devoted researchers and dematologists. Below are some of the natural remedies that people can use to increase hair growth and reduce hair loss. Aloe Vera Fig 1.1   Alo Vera Gel Alovera is a naturally occurring herb which has so many health benefits which include taking care of human hair. Alove vera can be used to treat hair loss as it soathes the scalp and condition the hair.It reduces dandru

The significance of traditional foods to your health [Africa]

Fig 1.0 Sweet African food diversity. The idiom you are what you eat has proven to hold water since it was coined!The first 2 years of a person's life determines not only their physical growth but their mental capacity as well.Children who are well breast-fed during their first 2 years have more mental acumen compared to undernourished children this is because breast milk contains all the nutrients required by the baby in proportional quantities. Most people are stuffing in foods that contain a lot of fats , sugar and fat foregoing the healthier traditional food varieties at the expense of their health. We are foregoing the unrefined traditional foods which are rich in nutrients, proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates opting for foods that contain micro-nutrients hence they offer less of what the body should get.You are starving your body the protection and nourishment it should normally get.Go back to the good old days,dump the refined mealie meal , canned food and all processed foo

How to lose belly fat?

It is of paramount importance that we watch out for what we eat! The line "You are what you eat" is real.The manifestations of bad health habits are regrettable, shameful and painful.I urge you to be courteous and firm on what you eat.Unokohwa chaunodyara! Unhealthy habits lead to a sagy belly,fat belly or just an abnormal tummy (due to giving birth,some is hereditary though) that destroys your body shape completely.Below are some of the ways which you can use after the damage has been done.Sit back and relax folks I'm about to take you on a flat tummy lecture😁. And indeed this could be you! Fig1.0  Feel motivated,Feel the need! 1.AVOID FOODS WITH HIGH TRANS-FATS  Trans fats are created by pumping hydrogen into unsaturated fats e.g soyabean oil. They are found in some margarines, spreads and some packaged foods. Studies have shown a relationship between trans-fats and diseases blike informations, heart diseases,insulin resistance and abdominal fat gain in observations an

How to keep yourself in great shape despite your busy schedule?

With a little bit of creativity, resourcefulness and commitment,there are still many ways to workout despite your daily tight schedule. Remember consistency is key to successful daily habits. Workout regularly until it becomes second nature to you,regular workouts help you improve and  maintain your overall health while in great shape. Below are some great tips you may find helpful,grab your notepad folks....! I begin.... 1. Choose the best gym time. Folks you don't  necessarily have to go to the gym, improvise!  It's a diabolic myth that to for you to exercise you have to have gym equipment or be at the gym,No.You can do simple but effective workouts like aerobics,yoga and using homemade weights or join a virtual gym especially in this coronavirus period! Pertaining your busy tight schedule, choose the best time of your day to do it in the morning before doing your tasks or the afternoon or evening after work. Adopt and adapt to the daily setup you have chosen fo

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