How to beat the boredom during this pandemic and stay healthy through utilisation of local tourism and adventures.

Fig 1.0 Go on an adventure There's a well established interrelationship between travel & adventure and health. The  pandemic has made tourism almost imposible taking into account the risks involved. It has brought business to a standstill due to it's deadly and ravaging tendencies. People are working from home now more than ever so as to reduce the spreading of this invisible enemy. Being confined and isolated at home is boring and health threatening so it's time to appreciate your local sorroundings i.e go hunting, rock climbing, traverse the thickets create memories and mingle with nature. The Zimbabwe landscape is one of the best in Africa if not the world as it is endowed with everything be it wetlands, thickets, mountains, wild animals, wild fruits and grasslands. One can simply walk a few kilometers from their locality and discover a lot of interesting things our great country has to offer.  Fig 1.1 Enjoying a cool breeze on the rocks. The benefits of going out du

How to get rid of acne and eczema naturally?

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells. Genetics,diet ,stress and hormone changes cause acne . Symptoms may include pimples , skin redness and comedo and these usually disturbs our natural lovel skin appearance on the face or any other part of the body hence the need to get rid of it effectively and safely as to avoid further skin damage.
Below are some simple natural ways of riding acne.

Fig 1.0 Acne affected skin

Apply apple cider vinegar 
It is made by fermenting apple cider or the unfiltered juice from pressed apples. Like any other vinegar , it's known to fight fungi and bacteria. It  also suppresses inflammation and improves acne scars. Apply it to your skin in small doses to avoid burns as it contains radical acids like citric acid and lactic acid.

Cut back on dairy!
You might want to go as long as cutting  back on your dairy intake as milk and acne have a relationship though controversial. Studies have found a positive association between drinking milk and acne.Limiting milk and dairy consumption may help to prevent acne but more research is needed.
But if you have acne already make sure you reduce your dairy products intake.Products like yoghurt, cheese , icecream etc

Relaxation Techniques
It's like beat stress ,beat both acne and eczema.Researches have shown that stress contribute to both acne and eczema so in a bid to get rid of both, one has to avoid or manage his/her stress levels. Although it's not clear why this happens ,it is strongly believed that stress plays a part in inflammation .
There are various techniques which can be used to manage stress like:
  • meditation
  • deep breathing
  • yoga
  • music therapy
  • visualization
  • hypnosis
  • biofeedback
  • getting enough sleep
  • engaging in physical activities
  • tai chi
These techniques are proven to reduce stress through redirection of negative energy into positive energy. 

 It's a condition that makes the skin red and itchy. It's common in children but can occur at any age.
You can fight eczema through sone natural remedies articulated below.
Fig 1.1 Eczema infested skin.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is extracted from coconut meat and it is used as a natural moisturizer. According to study antibacterial abilities of coconut oil can reduce staph bacteria on the skin which helps prevent infection.This is vital to people with eczema because patches of inflamed skin may craze and ooze thereby allowing bacteria to enter. 
When applying it to your skin ,choose virgin or cold pressed coconut oil that's processed without chemicals.

Sunflower oil
It is extracted from sunflower seeds and research has it that , it protects the skin outer layer which helps to keep moisture in and bacteria out. Sunflower oil also hydrates the skin and may relieve itching and inflammation.
Apply it undiluted directly to the skin preferably after bathing while the skin is still damp for best results.

Keep off these:
If you live with eczema , it's important to avoid anything that may irritate or dry your skin and cause a flare to your skin. These included but not limited to :
  • perfumed soap/body wash
  • soaps with dyes
  • wool clothing
  • tight clothing
  • pollen 
  • animal dander
  • perfumed detergents
And there are certain foods which are linked to eczema too, foods like:
  • milk
  • eggs
  • wheat
  • peanuts
It is imperative that we look out for our skin as it's beauty transcends into our wellbeing and healthy. Nobody wants a flaked,cracked and dark spotted skin. Try these naturally safe methods and have your glowing once more.


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