How to beat the boredom during this pandemic and stay healthy through utilisation of local tourism and adventures.

Fig 1.0 Go on an adventure There's a well established interrelationship between travel & adventure and health. The  pandemic has made tourism almost imposible taking into account the risks involved. It has brought business to a standstill due to it's deadly and ravaging tendencies. People are working from home now more than ever so as to reduce the spreading of this invisible enemy. Being confined and isolated at home is boring and health threatening so it's time to appreciate your local sorroundings i.e go hunting, rock climbing, traverse the thickets create memories and mingle with nature. The Zimbabwe landscape is one of the best in Africa if not the world as it is endowed with everything be it wetlands, thickets, mountains, wild animals, wild fruits and grasslands. One can simply walk a few kilometers from their locality and discover a lot of interesting things our great country has to offer.  Fig 1.1 Enjoying a cool breeze on the rocks. The benefits of going out du

The significance of traditional foods to your health [Africa]

Fig 1.0 Sweet African food diversity.
The idiom you are what you eat has proven to hold water since it was coined!The first 2 years of a person's life determines not only their physical growth but their mental capacity as well.Children who are well breast-fed during their first 2 years have more mental acumen compared to undernourished children this is because breast milk contains all the nutrients required by the baby in proportional quantities.

Most people are stuffing in foods that contain a lot of fats , sugar and fat foregoing the healthier traditional food varieties at the expense of their health. We are foregoing the unrefined traditional foods which are rich in nutrients, proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates opting for foods that contain micro-nutrients hence they offer less of what the body should get.You are starving your body the protection and nourishment it should normally get.Go back to the good old days,dump the refined mealie meal , canned food and all processed foods as they are designed to make profits or a quick buck not to promote your well-being.

Here is a brief but deep look at some of the healthiest foods that Zimbabwe/Africa has to offer.

Millet Sadza/Sadza rezviyo
The so called morden diseases are ravaging and killing us because we unnecessarily mordenised our nutrition. For example maize mealie meal is not indigenous to Zimbabwe it was brought from foreign lands and we embraced it more than our millet and sorghum to our detriment.Millet is rich in fibre both soluble and insoluble.The insoluble fibre in millet is known as "probiotic" which means it supports good bacteria in our digestive systems. The action of this bacteria reduces chances of getting colon cancer as it thoroughly clean the digestive passage. It also contains potassium which supports healthy kidney and heart functioning which are the central pivots of the human body.The kidneys purify blood and the heart pumps it through our bodies. In adition to the above mentioned benefits,it contains potassium which plays a pivotal role in nerve signal transmission which is how our brain and muscles communicate.

Fig 1.1 Sadza Millet 

Hohwa/Amakhowa/Africa Wild Mushrooms
Common during the summer season when it pops out of tree barks and is collected for relish. Hohwa from gumtrees is poisonous!! It contains many vitamins and minerals that have high levels of antioxidant compounds all beneficial to our health.Hohwa fights cells diseases i.e antioxidants fight oxidatives ,stress and inflammation which contribute to signs of aging and to the development of chronic diseases. Amakhowa improves brain function ,it helps to slow the cognitive decline that comes with aging.It also supports brain health and helps lower risk of getting diabetes.

Fig 1.2 Africa Wild Mushrooms

Mazondo/Amanqina/Cow heels
Research shows that cow heels improve brain function and mental health.Mazondo contain minerals important to the body and they include calcium which is useful in controlling pain, inflammation, irritability, muscle spasms , allergies, rickets and brittle nails.They can act as chief remedy for dire illnesses such as flue and cold. They are rich in proteins ,hence they provide fibre and elastin which are essential for proper joint formation and strengthening tendons. Amanqina are a good natural remedy for arthritis and legend has it that it enhance sexual performance and it's not a scientific fact but many people believe it's somehow true.

Fig 1.3 Mazondo

Madora/Mancimbi/Mopane worms .
They are 60% proteins and proteins are the building blocks of our bodies as they promote growth,repair worn out tissues and sometimes a source of energy but in small amounts.Amancimbi contain a significant amount of phosphorus ,iron and calcium.Iron reduces your chances of becoming anemic (suffering from anemia) as it is a component of blood,this nutrient is important to all th people of all ages but specifically pregnant mothers should get more of iron and calcium as it is a vital cog in bone formation of the unborn baby.Pregnant mothers eat amancimbi they are healthy and delicious!

Fig 1.4 Mopane Worms

Nhopi/Inhopi/Pumpkin pudding
Is a porridge like pudding made from manhanga or pumpkins and it is very low in calories which means it does not promote obesity and overweight as it is also low in fats but rich in vitamins and minerals.Vitamin A which is a remedy for night blindness ,skin repair,growth and development is found in pumpkins in large quantities.In addition they also fight some form of cancers and heart diseases, pumpkins are a good source of fiber and potassium and the importance of these 2 can not be overemphasized. 

Fig 1.5 Pumpkin Pudding/ Nhopi

Matemba/Kapenta/Tanganyika Sardines
Just like any othr seafood,matemba are rich in proteins.They  contain calcium and phosphorus and these minerals are the bricks and morta of the bones. Sardines contain doses of Vitamin B which produce energy and promote cell and blood formation.Eating matemba is healthy as they also supply your body with Vitamin D and Vitamin D is known for it's importance in bone formation and bone nourishment.Matemba ngadyiwe!

Fig1.6 Matemba

Only a fool and lame person can override the importance of our traditional foods.It can be seen and agreed upon that shifting our diet constitutes to foreign based ones was/is not a clever idea.Let's enjoy our local delicacies for a healthier and strong us. Our health is more important than living bragging of being modern on reduced life expectancy.
Local is Lekker!
Africa is Rich!


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