How to beat the boredom during this pandemic and stay healthy through utilisation of local tourism and adventures.

Fig 1.0 Go on an adventure There's a well established interrelationship between travel & adventure and health. The  pandemic has made tourism almost imposible taking into account the risks involved. It has brought business to a standstill due to it's deadly and ravaging tendencies. People are working from home now more than ever so as to reduce the spreading of this invisible enemy. Being confined and isolated at home is boring and health threatening so it's time to appreciate your local sorroundings i.e go hunting, rock climbing, traverse the thickets create memories and mingle with nature. The Zimbabwe landscape is one of the best in Africa if not the world as it is endowed with everything be it wetlands, thickets, mountains, wild animals, wild fruits and grasslands. One can simply walk a few kilometers from their locality and discover a lot of interesting things our great country has to offer.  Fig 1.1 Enjoying a cool breeze on the rocks. The benefits of going out du

What is a balanced diet?

Fig 1.0 Illustration of a balanced diet.

e you ever pondered what a balanced diet is? Well some of us regard this subject as a non event! But you know what, that's deadly! It's a deep grave we are digging for ourselves, ignorance kills more people than road accidents in the whole world!
Shocking right?

In this article we will only elaborate on dietary balance and it's significance to the human body.

A balanced diet contains all nutrients needed by the 
body in correct quantities.For a diet to be balanced ,it should have the 7 major nutrients i.e carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins,fats, roughage, minerals and water.
This makes sure that all the metabolic functions are carried out by the body correctly.

From a balanced diet the body derives energy, protection,warmth and maintenance or repair.

There are certain foods we ought to take less due to their lack of dietary value.Junk foods contain empty calories which do contain any other nutritional value other than giving energy and least of any other. Foods like pizzas,ice cream, soft drinks,soda and chips &fries are regarded as empty calories and hence should be taken less as they promote disease like obesity and metabolic syndrome diseases(2diabetes and blood pressure complications blike hypertension).

The continuous implementation of an unbalanced diet results in children with stunted growth,poor academic performance and frequent infections.

In the morden day world, there's a barrage of processed & refined foods which are aiding in the rise of cancers like colon cancer and others this due to lack of roughage in their content.Rouphage ensures that the gut is thoroughly cleaned and this ensures that no food sticks on the gut walls.Cabbages are a good source of roughage and are recommend for our meals.Avoid refined mealie meal( hupfu hwakasvuurwa) as it is unhealthy.

          <<<<<<<<<<<<<part 1:end>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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